The desktop homepage of Kyber Corp
The mobile homepage of Kyber Corp
Part of the desktop contact page with form
Desktop services page with information modal open

Kyber Corporation

A fairly simple website for a fake company with a cyberpunk theme

Front-end, Next 13, Framer Motion, TailwindCSS, Typescript

Project Description

This static site was built using Next 13, TailwindCSS, and Typescript (ie Next 13 and the options it gives me) with a few small libraries added. The idea originally came while I was working on a design assignment during a web design class as part of my certification, and after more than a year of it sitting in a Figma file I opened it up and made what was in the file (with a few changes) and fleshed it out into a full site. The concept stems from my love of cyberpunk things, which greatly informs the aesthetic and content, even though it is from a corporate perspective given they are usually the antagonists of the genre. The features show though are meant to be reflective of what a small business website would contain even if the design is a little different.


The biggest limitations is that the form is not how a regular form would work, and images and content is local to the site files. The form was purposely not set up so that anyone viewing the site would not spam me (or themselves or whoever owns the email that was inputted into the form). As for local storage, this was mostly due to an abundance of caution on my part with using resources for thigns that won't change while the project exists.
