The light mode dektop version of the home page of a blogging site
The dark mode dektop version of the home page of a blogging site
The dark mode mobile version of a login page
The light mode desktop version of a blog site profile page
The dark mode desktop version of a blog site create post page
The dark mode mobile version of a blog site update post function

Next Blogging

A blog site built using Next 13

Full-stack, Next 13, TailwindCSS, Axios, Prisma, MongoDB, Typescript, React Hot Toast, Next Authentication, Cloudinary, Bcrypt

Project Description

This full-stack project uses CRUD to process blog posts. A user can create a post, see their own posts and posts of others, update their own posts, and delete their own posts. Furhtermore, they can update their own profile information. It uses Next Authentication for sign up and login, and the site renders differently depending on whether they are signed in or not.It is fully mobile responsive in design and features both a light scheme and a dark scheme depending on browser settings. The schemes are effectively reverses of each other and with the exception of some red elements for links and danger warnings, are on the same gray scale of the default gray of Tailwindcss. Font is imported with Next's Google font imports.


There are 4 limitations, which are things I would like to add. There is limited security checks and no email validation. The first is that the content section of a blog renders all as one block even though the textarea input allows for new lines. The second is that there is no search functionality which would be useful. The last is that there is no toggle between dark and light mode, rather it relies on the system or browser.
